Are you a creepy McCreeperson like me?
Do you try to imagine what people's homes look like?
What color their bedspread is?
What their kitchen chairs look like?
What kind of shower curtain they have?
What color their bedspread is?
What their kitchen chairs look like?
What kind of shower curtain they have?
No?? Hmm.
Well, you still might enjoy The Selby. It's MTV Cribs, if the show actually showed people that you care about or alternately, have morbid curiosity about. It gives you a peek into the homes and studios of some of your favorite artists and designers. Trust me, once you start clicking around the site, you'll have a hard time stopping.
thanks for sharing!
why would the cobra snake or his grandmother be someone i was interested in
hahahahahah, true that
it's totally weird, that's what's great about it
maybe i'm the only one with morbid curiosity
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